Technology Trends that will Change App Development in 2019
Last year has witnessed solid growth throughout the mobile app development industry, but 2019 is going to be more innovative. Technology trends for App Development in 2019 will force marketers, developers and businesses to think outside the box.
This statistics presents a forecast for the number of mobile app downloads worldwide in 2017, 2018 and 2022. In 2017, consumers downloaded 178.1 billion mobile apps to their connected devices. In 2022, this figure is projected to grow to 258.2 billion app downloads.
When we think about mobility, Android and iPhone app development come to our minds first. Even as new technologies continue to thrive, the key is all about innovating around the implementation and application of existing technology. It is important to partner with a reliable iPhone Application Development Company or Android app company to experience success. This perfect combination of current and emerging technologies is rapidly changing how organizations operate and how we interact with the world.
Here are technology trends for App Development in 2019 and beyond
Smart Home, Voice-Controlled Speakers
Smart home, voice-controlled speakers are perhaps the most widely discussed subjects in technology, but 2018 will mark their official boom. The rapidly increasing popularity of Amazon Echo and Google Home has made the voice-controlled speakers go mainstream. In fact these speakers are gaining more market traction compared to wearables.
According to experts, the mobile industry would witness rapid growth of smart home apps and dynamic startups are mainly the early adopters. And it looks like we’re witnessing mammoth change.
Forward-looking retailers would do well to look at the partnership between Google and Walmart as a smart model. A voice-activated app could provide a standard support for product or service when it comes to accessing the growing niche.
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality made a comeback with the success of Pokemon GO in 2016. However, the future is now about successful implementation of Augmentation reality application development in different industries. Several factors are contributing to the success of Augmented reality:
Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore will accelerate iOS app development and Android app development will provide advance functionality of AR.
According to industry estimate and trends the AR market would reach around $120 billion in revenue by 2020.
If your company is planning to implement Augmented reality, it is important to ask a few questions:
- Does Augmented reality work for your industry?
- Will it improve usability and functionality or come across as a gimmick?
- Does your audience really need it?
Ikea’s Augmented reality app lets users actually visualize what furniture will look in home before making actual purchase. Implementation of augmented reality app solves a real need and saves the end user time and money 一 characteristics of a valuable app. AR technology is used as a natural extension of traditional usability. While AR tech can help visualize how furniture will look in a room, it isn’t quite sophisticated enough to visualize what clothes will look like on people — at least not with any kind of satisfying accuracy.
The use of chatbots is all set to transform several industries, especially the retail industry. As humans, we require high level of personalization. It is the key to success and in today’s social world it’s almost expected from businesses. Chatbots are capable of increasing customer engagement and loyalty by offering tailor-made experiences for the customer.
The most effective way to begin experimenting with chatbot automation is by answering common or frequently asked questions for which you have readymade answers that can be easily gathered from a simple database search.
Here are examples of such questions include
- Prices of product
- Regular store hours
- Return policies
Appointment booking
It is equally important to answer advanced questions like: “What are style trends of the month?” as long as you have the content in a database.
Stay above questions with ambiguous answers such as: “What product would you recommend for me?” unless you plan on investing significant budget and expensive tools into your chatbot. The complexity of question might increase the chance of your chatbot providing an answer that might not be satisfactory enough for users.
AI-Driven Development
AI-empowered development is the future as the market is shifting from an approach in which data scientists collaborate with application developers to build the most sophisticated AI-enhanced solutions. Instead, the focus is now towards providing the developer with an ecosystem of AI algorithms and models, as well as development tools tailored to integrating AI capabilities and models into a solution.
Highly advanced AI-powered development environments will automate several functions where nonprofessionals will be able to use AI-based tools to automatically generate new solutions. Several industries are using technology solutions right from IT Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry to healthcare industry.
Internet of Things
Gartner calls the combination of technologies and the connection of people, devices, content and services the “intelligent digital mesh.” This revolutionary technology is connecting platforms and possibilities with the aim to transform lives with direct implications that transcend above the technology itself and involve different disciplines such as law, economics, business and politics.
With the application of IoT development and strategy, it is clear that opportunities will exist for those with the technical knowledge to connect platforms as well as those with the data analytics skills to utilize the information stream generated by IoT applications.
The future holds lot of promise and the technology industry is now moving towards delivering more user-centric and holistic solutions that meet customer expectations. Investment in technology holds the key to success. However, it is a difficult proposition to predict trends in technology. Considering the stiff global competition and the swift speed of technological innovation, it is important to plan and utilize emerging technologies to keep business secure and at the forefront of your industry.
About the Author-
Shubham Sharma, he is currently working as a digital marketer with reputed IT firm of mobile app development in India. They also have a great passion for Software Management Systems and understanding of analyzing MySQL queries for performance and writing queries that will scale well. Apart from app development, our ios developers focused on investing my efforts on Web Services, Specification, and Verification of Software Systems, Case Management, Intelligent User Interfaces.
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