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Xiaomi Smart Notepad launched for CNY 799 to help digitally transfer written text


Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is known to release a whole variety of products in China through the multiple subsidiaries it owns.

The latest product to be announced in China is a smart notepad. This device will help you take down notes on a notepad and then safely transfer them digitally, without any need to type them.

The ‘Bamboo Slate Portable Smart Notepad’ as it’s called, is priced at CNY 799 and is targetted at those of you who still love writing longhand over typing out notes on your smartphones. The notepad, designed by Taohualin Technology, comes with features such as cloud synchronisation and original handwriting restoration.

Xiaomi Bamboo Smart . Image: Xiaomi

Xiaomi Bamboo Slate Portable Smart Notepad . Image: Xiaomi

The Bamboo Slate is a thin tablet-like notepad with actual paper which can be replaced by any other paper. The smart notepad has a special software developed for iOS, Android and Windows 10, where the original handwriting can be transferred digitally to the connected smart device with the press of a key.

It uses electromagnetic resonance technology to construct a stable and precise magnetic field at the bottom of the device.

According to GizChina, when you write on the paper, the displacement sensor built in the electromagnetic pen captures and records the writing signal in real time. It supports free handwriting trace, splitting of digital documents, free typesetting of paragraph content, handwriting addition and deletion as well as colouring. It can convert the handwriting into .TXT and .DOC files.

This seems to be a China-only product for now and there is no indication of if this will come to India.

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