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President Ram Nath Kovind to inaugurate CII AgroTech 2018 on 1 December


President Ram Nath Kovind will inaugurate the mega international agricultural fair, “CII AgroTech 2018”, on 1 December.

The premier biennial four-day agro-technology and business fair, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), will be held from 1 to 4 December at the Sector 17 Parade Ground, Ajay S Shriram, Chairman, CII Agro Tech 2018, said here on 16 November.

The theme for this year, which happens to be the 13th edition of the fair, is “Technology in Agriculture: Increasing Farmer’s Income.”

New Delhi: President Ram Nath Kovind addresses the nation on the eve of Republic Day in New Delhi on Thursday. PTI Photo / RB(PTI1_25_2018_000203B)

President Ram Nath Kovind. Image: PTI

Shriram, who is the Chairman and senior managing director, DCM Shriram Ltd, said: “The partner country is Great Britain while focus countries are Canada and China. Two special pavilions have been added this time, States of India Pavilion and country pavilions from Canada, China and the United Kingdom, besides participation from Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands and the USA.”

The CII Agro-Tech 2018 exhibition will be spread over an area of 16,000 square metres with 110 exhibitors, which would include 103 domestic and seven international ones.

The four-day fair will also have 10 concurrent shows, including Good Earth Expo on agri-inputs and innovative farming techniques and food expo.

“A major highlight of the Fair will be interaction of farmers from the northern states with exhibitors,” a spokesman said.

International conferences include agriculture diversification, conference on harvest for processing, integration with the global supply chain, innovators pitch, global dialogue on digital pathways in agriculture 2.0, conference on stubble burning, conference on enhancing shelf life of commodities and workshop on entrepreneurs, the spokesman added.

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