tech2 News Staff Nov 17, 2018 17:32 PM IST
India recently became home to the world’s tallest statue, called the Statue of Unity, that is a whopping 182 metres high. And if all this while, you sort of failed to fathom how tall the tallest statue of the world is, well here is an image from Planet Labs for perspective.
The American Earth-imaging company recently took to Twitter to share a picture of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel statue, as soon from the space. Yes, the statue is so tall, it’s visible from the space!
At 597 feet, India’s Statue of Unity is now the tallest statue in the world and clearly seen from space! Oblique SkySat image captured today, November 15, 2018.
— Planet (@planetlabs) November 15, 2018
The oblique satellite image of the Statue of Unity was captured on 15 November and shows the structure looming over the riverside landscape. This puts the statue in an elite league of man-made structures, which can be seen from above the Earth, like the Palm Islands along the coast of Dubai and the Great Pyramids of Giza.
Meanwhile, Twitter page Argumentative Indian, rightly noticed that while the world’s tallest statue is visible from outer space, Google Maps is yet to register that.
Yo @googlemaps & @googleearth. We expected more of you.. Your satellite images are not updated with latest image of #StatueOfUnity yet.
Do your thing.. Stay updated
— Argumentative Indian (@Public_RTI) November 16, 2018
Many Indians, of course, found glory in this moment and took to Twitter to celebrate.
It’s wonderful that we are now having the world largest statue #597feets
— Gaurav Chandra (@GauravC46029301) November 16, 2018
I feel on top of the world with this world record. Tourism will, certainly, get a big boost. Great to see India on top!!
— Alok (@Alok65097447) November 17, 2018
I am proud to be an #Indian
— Dipankar Laya (@dipankarlaya) November 16, 2018
The statue, dedicated to India’s first home minister Sardar Vallabhai Patel, is built on an island in the state of Gujarat. It was inaugurated by prime minister Narendra Modi on 31 October, which is Patel’s 143rd birth anniversary.
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