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Galaxy S10 with an in-display camera may have been finalised for launch


The display notch may soon be passé now that Samsung seems to have finalised it’s own approach to tackling the problem with placing a selfie camera on the front face of the smartphone.

A recent patent filing spotted by LetsGoDigital, hints that Samsung may have finally locked down on its approach to designing the upcoming Galaxy S10 with a full-screen, edge-to-edge display.

The patent filing reveals several designs that showcase various types of display cutouts that make way for incorporating the selfie camera on the front face, while retaining a truly edge-to-edge display with minimal or zero bezels.

The Samsung Galaxy S9's successor next year might just be a foldable smartphone. Image: tech2/ Rehan Hooda

The Samsung Galaxy S9. Image: tech2/ Rehan Hooda

While the recent Samsung Developer Conference did shed plenty of light on Samsung’s approach to the display notch, the Infinity-O model with an in-display camera layout may be the one that gets the go-ahead for the Galaxy S10.

Samsung Galaxy S10 patent. Image: LetsGoDigital

Samsung Galaxy S10 patent. Image: LetsGoDigital

While the patent showcases a number of designs, LetsGoDigital seems to have got their hands on two exclusive images that reportedly come from Samsung. The two designs showcase a coloured image with a lockscreen and are a perfect match when placed next to models A and B from the recently filed patents. Indeed, this hints that Samsung could be seriously considering the Infinity-O display featuring a design with squared edges around the corners with Model A or well-rounded edges like with Model B.

Also shown in the patent are other models, C,E,F and J all of which showcase different configurations using different flexible displays with similar selfie camera cutouts in them.

Samsung is expected to showcase something entirely new at its next Galaxy launch and going solely by the leaks and rumours it surely looks like the tenth anniversary Galaxy S smartphone is going to look unique.

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