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Google Home, Home Mini now understand and respond to commands in Hindi


Google Assistant has had support for Hindi since March this year. While one would think that when the Google Home and Mini speakers were launched in India a month later in April, they would come with support for Hindi, but that wasn’t the case.

Google Assistant on phones has been keeping up with the Hindi speakers in India, but the smart speakers are only able to comprehend English (India) at most. Until now.

Google Home Mini.

Google Home Mini.

As first pointed out in a report by Android Police, the smart speakers’ language settings now let you set Hindi as the language.

Google Home speaker allows users to choose any two languages in which you would like to give commands and get responses from the speakers.

People in India can now choose a pair of English (India) and Hindi.

In order to change the language settings on your Google Home or the Mini, head to the Google Home app > Accounts > Settings. Here scroll down to find the Assistant tab, and then select Languages. Here you can choose any two languages that work best for you.

The support for Hindi has been rolled out to all users as of now. You don’t need to update the app for the language support, the same will be automatically added to your app.

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